Athènes (Dispensaire de Vyronas) envoie ses remerciements
From: Δημητρης Σουλιωτης
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2019 5:11 PM
To: m.
Subject: From Greece - Thank you ---
Dear M., just we have received the medicine boxes.
We send to you and all our COMRADES AND FRIENDS in France our best feelings and big thanks for yr stable solidarity. The needs are continouing and the solidarity actions also. The crisis remains as a dramatic situation for the Greek poor people, as you know.
Over than 2.000.000 live in very extrem misery. Under these hard circumstances the work of Social Medicines Center must give its existance.
With our love and regards
Απαλλαγμένο από ιούς. |
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